Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

US History: We will be finishing Glory today. After we complete this we will start looking at the first 5 sheets in this pamphlet: Link Here. It is a PDF file and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view it. This is a good assignment for students that are outside of the classroom it is from an EL Classroom.

Civics: We are going to take notes on this presentation on Interest Groups and this presentation on the Right to Vote. We will also look at Political Cartoons here, here, here and and work on Guided Reading 9.

Have a great Thanksgiving and remember to stay Safe!
I look forward to seeing you when you return.
Mr. Grove

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

US History: We are going to continue watching Glory answering questions from the video guide/questions provided.

Civics: Today we are going to retake our Judical Branch Test for the final time. Test version 2.0 here. Then, we are going to complete Guided Reading 9 and go over in class.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

US History: To start our discussion of the Civil War we will watch Glory and answer these questions on the movie.

Civics: We are going to continue our discussion on Political Parties by taking notes on this presentation. If time we are going to start on Guided Reading 9: Political Parties.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

US History: We will be participating in an in-class History Alive activity, I hope to get a copy online, but at this time it can only be completed in class. It is a Matrix for Understanding Perspectives on Slavery. We will be looking at contrasting viewpoints on Slavery and what these people did to help their causes. Student outside of class can complete Guided Reading 8.

Civics: We will be going over and take the Judicial Branch test revision 1.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17, 2009

US History: We will be starting on Guided Reading 8 today. Students will work individually on the Guided Reading 8. Teacher will circulate helping students complete answers.

Civics: We are going to finish going over the Judicial Branch of Government and we will have a test tomorrow with the same questions. Then we are going to create our own PowerPoint Presentation with the Important Supreme Court Cases listed on the test. Also, we will be completing Content Vocabulary 8 and for extra credit: Reteaching Activity 8. Teacher will circulate helping students.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday November 16, 2009

US History: Topic: Sectionalism and Nationalism
Today we will first be looking at some Primary Source Political Cartoons via this PowerPoint Presentation. Specifically we will be analyzing the impact of the Compromise of 1850 and the last few slides. If time we have time we will start working on Guided Reading 8.

Civics: We will be working together on a test on the Judicial Branch. We will have a test on Wednesday and we are going to go through this test and analyze which questions are good and which are not.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

US History: Today, we are going to watch The History Channel's Modern Marvels: Erie Canal, to explain the change in technology and new transportation revolution. While watching the video we are going to answer the following questions.

US Civics: Students are going to finish posters from yesterday. If complete, we are going to take a open book quiz on Chapter 8: The Judicial Branch.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday November 12, 2009

US History: First, we are going to finish our mapping of how Manifest Destiny effected American Development. See this post for more info.

Then, we are going to create Visual Notes using Chapter 8, sections 1 and 2. The students will be given an example on the board. Essentially, the student will create big bubbles with each of the major blue titles and smaller bubbles for the red bubbles. Section 1 should have 3 major bubbles and 8 minor red bubbles. This will be completed on large computer paper.

Civics: Today we will be focusing on the Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court. We are going to create a visual map using all decisions on page 258 in the Civics Today textbook. Each box is going to be its own bubble with information and a fact needs to be added to each bubble using the Supreme Court summaries section 792-797. this will be completed on large computer paper.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

US History: We are going to take notes on this presentation. On slide 19, we are going to color and label our own map with the different areas that were combined to create the United States of today. Map Link Here.

Civics: We are going to start with a fun review game, making sure we understand all the concepts that we have talked about previously and make sure everyone knows the correct answers to the basics. Review Here.

When complete, we are going to read and discuss the primary sources provided on page 264 and 265 of Civics Today.

Remember tomorrow is Veteran's Day and we do not have school!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

US History: We are going to finish Guided Reading 7: Manifest Destiny today. We will have a shorter class period, and students are expected to have this complete by the end of class.

If time, or tomorrow (Tues)When complete we are going to create our own map of the trails heading west in the United States. On the handout it says page 395, instead the page is going to be 256 in the America Visions Textbook.

Civics and Economics: I am going to start out by giving back your Presidential quiz graded. We can discuss scores on the quiz and talk about the possibly of making up the quiz.

Due to my absence, and not seeing any completed Guided Reading 8 turned in. Students will have time to complete it in class.

When complete, we are going to read together the Primary Sources on page 264 and 265 in the Civics Today textbook and students will answer the questions individually.

Note:I was absent on Friday. Students in US History started on Guided Reading 7: Manifest Destiny and Civics worked on Guided Reading 8: The Federal Courts.

This week is a weird schedule because we do not have school on Wednesday for Veteran's Day.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday November 8, 2009

US History: Today, the students that did not take the test yesterday are going to have the opportunity to take it. Those that have finished will be given a list of any missing assignments and given time to make them up.

If you have completed all assignments you can start working on Manifest Destiny Guided Reading 7.

Civics: We are going to start with the Presidents Quiz (revision 1). Once everyone has finished the test, we are going to start on the Judicial Branch (chapter 8). We are going to take notes on the different parts of the Judicial Branch. Link to Notes 34- US Supreme Court and 35- Federal Court Systems

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

US History: Today we are going to start with the test- Building a Nation. A copy is here. Students will have as much as necessary to finish it.
-When complete, students are going to create a timeline of the 30 most important events in United States History from 1776-1840. Students can use any resources from the class.

Civics:First we are going to go over the Executive Branch Crossword Puzzle. Each student is going to create 10 original questions about the executive branch and we are going to type them up to create a quiz for tomorrow on the Executive Branch.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

US History: Today we are going to finish on the Study Guide: Building a Nation and going to go over and make sure everyone has the correct answers. Then we are going to play a game of Jeopardy with the questions.

Civics: Today we are going to finish our study of the executive branch by completing a Scavenger Hunt/ Crossword Puzzle on the Executive Branch, using critical vocabulary.

Monday, November 3, 2009

US History: Due to a shortened class period we are going to complete individually an quietly this review test. You can use any materials to complete this activity. We are going to have a test on Wednesday with these questions.

Civics and Economics: We are going to finish the movie we watched and discuss how do you face challenges in your life. How do you respond to them?