Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/16/2015

Social Studies:

Today in class we took notes on the Jamestown colony and how hard and brutal it was to survive there. Then we finished establishing our colonies and share them with the class. The we watched nightmare in Jamestown and tool notes on it.


Today in class Mr. Grove picked up the you pick assignments. Then we finished taking notes on Acids and Bases. Then we made sure or note book was ready for the notebook check tomorrow. Then Mr. Grove gave us the study guide and gave us time to work on it.   

Science Homework: 
Study Guide #1 Due
Notebook Check #1 Science
Grading Rubric for Interactive Notebook 
Interactive Notebook Pages (PDF Format)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/15/2015

First, we started the Chapter 1 Section 4, Acid and Base Mixture notes. As usual, we did five true/false questions. Next, we watched a video on how an acid dissolved a cheeseburger. Then, we finished our notes and went over the quiz we took yesterday.

Science Homework: You Pick Assignment Due Tomorrow.
Study Guide #1 Due Thurs (will be handed out in class on Weds)
Friday: Test on Chapter 1

Social Studies:
Today we took a open note quiz on our Age of Exploration Notes. We then worked on our group activity of creating our own colony.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/14/2015

Social Studies:

Class Reporter:

What we learned in class today is starting our own colony having a limited amount to spend for survival. Tuesday morning we will be having a quiz.  Mr. Grove took the people’s notebook that needed to be rechecked and regraded again from Friday.  We now as I was saying are working on organizing and building a colony of our own with a limit of source to survive with 15 people.

Colony Activity Sheets

Homework: Study for open Note Quiz on Tuesday!

Today in class we were finishing our foldable on solutions, suspensions, and colloids to help us on our open note book quiz. Then after our quiz we did a” you pick assignment” which lets you chose what you want to do.  

Test on Chapter 1 on Friday. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/11/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I Can explain the physical, economic, cultural, and political characteristics of the Carolina colony.

Today in class we…..

We discussed 9-11 and what happened and how it makes us feel.
We had our first notebook check.    
We finished the notes we cut out on Thursday on the Carolina Colony. 

We watched a video about Dealy plaza  

Video of Mr. Grove at Dealy Plaza. Expert Narration!


L T :            
I will describe the properties of three different types of mixtures.

Today in class…..
We started off with questions we agree or disagree with,
We took notes about solutions, solvents, solute,  universal solvent, colloid and suspension
We watched a video on How water dissolves salt
We made a flap about solutions suspensions and colloids

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/10/2015

Social Studies:

LT: I can explain how the interaction with Native Americans changed colonial societies like Jamestown and Roanoke.
Today in class we...
Discussed inaccuracies in Disney’s Pocahontas.
Discussed the Middle Passage and slavery.
Start working on Social classes.
Go over grading rubric for notebook.
Notebook check tomorrow.

Notebook Grading Rubric #1

HOMEWORK for SS : Interactive Notebook Check tomorrow!

Unit 2 Notes:

Previously 9/9/2015:
Today in class we made a chart of the things that came from the old world to the new world and what went back to the old world. Then we glued it in our IAN. We also saw a picture of the disease smallpox (the disease that the pilgrims brought from the old world).


Today in class we went over atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, and mixtures. We also took notes on different Atomic Bonds. Then we watched different videos on the subjects.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/8/2015

In class today, first we finished watching the Science video and if you had not finished your five notes from Friday, you would finish them.  After we finished the video, we went over the questions from pages 604-609 in our science textbook.  Once we finished all the questions , we moved on too the Molecules Models worksheet. For the sheet, we built molecule bonds and learned about examples of molecules.

Social Studies:

First, Mr. Grove gave us our Writing Quiz back with our grade. Then, we talked about the Europeans and the New World. Next, Mr. Grove passed out a worksheet about The New World so we did about half of it, then watched a Crash Course video.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/4/2015


LT:I will describe  the difference and between elements compound and mixtures

Today ,9/4/15,
In class we learned about compound ,elements, and mixtures. We read Pg.540to 545.
And we took notes about those 3 using  bubbles with the words on it.
Then on the next page we also wrote about homogeneous and heterogeneous.(not what you think)
Then we wrote five facts from a video we saw.
(facts you didn’t know).

Video about atoms.

Social Studies:

Today in class we took a quiz on things we’ve learned in the past few days. We also completed a physical map of NC and labelled it. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/3/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I can identify the major physical features in North Carolina.
Today in class we…
Go over scavenger-hunt answers
Finish NC County questions (part  1-20)
Finish decorating notebook (if needed)
Go over answers on NC County (part 1-2)
Quick review of sources/future-quiz (discussion teacher to class)

HOMEWORK  in Planner…
Study for short Quiz

Bias Perspective
NC Regions


First we did student pledge
Then the hole class what they put on their student pledge.
Because tomorrow we will have to sign it.

Science 9/3/15 The Atom
LT: I will identify the properties and location of the subatomic particles in an atom.

Writing prompt: ‘’can you continue to cut something into smaller pieces forever or is there a ‘’ smallest’’ amount of something you can have.
How did you respond to the writing prompt?
Observable universe

Homework read page 604-609 in newly assigned textbook

On page 609 1abc, 2abc, 3abc

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/2/2015

We did not have class today due to grade-wide assembly.

Social Studies:

LT: I can identify the major counties and their location in North Carolina.

Today in class we studied the locations of the north Carolina counties. We learned what direction they were from each other. We also did a worksheet to help us remember the locations of the counties and some cities.

6th Period Homework: Complete page 1 and 2 of the County Sheet (in notebook).

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/1/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I can explain how bias influences perspective.

        In Class Mr. Grove gave us a role and we read a story about two boys skipping school and going through there house. Then we went wrote a paragraph about the things that were useful things in the house for what are roles were then we compared are perspectives and had to guess what we were. We then had a ticket out the door about how does bias influence your perspective.

Today in Mr. Groves class, we learned about Atoms and Elements. Types of metal are iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper.

A symbol is a one or two-letter abbreviation derived from the elements English or Latin name.
An atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, as well as the number of electrons in the electron cloud.
Atomic mass is weighted average of the masses of all the elements isotypes. Rounding the atomic mass the nearest whole number yields the mass number of the most common isotype.
Mass number is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in a specific isotype.
The name is the elements common name.
The number 6 in carbon is the atomic number. The Nuclei of the three isotopes of hydrogen are protium, deuterium, and tritium.
An Ion is a atom with a net positive or negative charge. More protons = + ion. More electrons = - ion.

Scientists create models to study things when they are too small, too large, or too dangerous to study. A nucleus is too small to see. If an atom was blown up to be the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a small marble.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Classroom Reporter 8/31/2015


What we did first in class was Mr. Grove checked homework.
Second thing he did was put questions on the board about is this a hypothesis yes or no.
Then he did the questions is this testable yes or no.
After we that he call on people to share their homework to see what they did.
Next we took notes on the structure of atoms in our interactive notebook.

L.T : I will describe the structure of an atom.
Answering questions

1.) every atom has positively and negatively charged particles.
2.) no two atoms are identical , every atom is unique.
3.) all atoms have about the same mass.
4.)some atoms are large enough that they can be seem with the human eye.
5.) an atom is the smallest particle of matter.

Drawing the picture then labeling , also color the picture that you draw.

Learning about the structure of atoms , taking the notes.

Then we watched the video in class about on Rutherford atoms,

Then we watch the video on the golden retriever.

Social Studies:

LT:I can identify bias and explain its importance .

Today in class we discussed what the word bias means. We also did and activity to help us better understand the meaning of the word bias. Then we discussed how we would how we would use the word in our classroom. We also started a scavenger hunt.

Bias Video 

Friday, August 28, 2015

8/28/2015 Welcome to North Carolina!

This was the activity we started with today.

Homework Tonight for Science: Create a scientific question about something at home. Write a hypothesis and steps how you would find the answer.

Social Studies:

We worked on our Interactive Notebook Pages:

We watched a few videos highlighting North Carolina and Hickory.

The Coast:

The Piedmont:

The Mountains:

The Beauty of North Carolina:

Hickory, Life well crafted:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to set up your Interactive Notebook

Today we worked on setting up our Interactive Notebook. We got to page 4, the Author's Page

Social Studies:


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day and Second Day Get to Know you! August 25 ,2015

We spent August 24th and 25th getting to know everyone's name and learn about each other.

Tonight's Homework: August 25th 2015
Make sure to have your composition book, glue, scissors, and colored pencils for class tomorrow!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome to Mr. Grove's 2015-2016 School Year.

I look forward to our new school year.
My schedule for this year is
1st- Science
2nd- Social Studies
3rd- Planning
4th- Planning
5th- Social Studies
6th - Social Studies

Period 8th Grade   Heroes & Legends
NEST 7:35-7:55

1 7:58-8:58
2 9:01-10:01
3/R 10:04-10:51
4/R 10:54-11:41
5 11:44-12:44
Lunch 12:47-1:17
6 1:20-2:20

Monday, May 18, 2015

North Carolina 8th grade Final Exam Released Version

Here is a copy of the mock test we took today in class. 

Classroom Reporter 5/18/2015

Social Studies: Today we completed the released version of the NC Final Exam for Social Studies.
We will take the Exam this Friday Online.

Homework: Finish review sheet (handed out in class)

Science: Chapter 15  Section 3 Notes and learning about electricity using the Van der Graph machine.

Review Prezi

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Classroom Reporter 5/6/2015

Social Studies: We continued working on our Projects.

Progress Reports were sent home in both Social Studies and Science.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Science textbook Page 410- In Class Assignment

Please turn to page 410
In your notebook please duplicate Figure 3, the two stages of photosynthesis.
Use Color  and be creative with how you complete it!
Best one in class gets an award!
You can use my colored pencils, you could also draw it on a white paper and paste into notebook!

Your Teachers!

Science Chapter 14 Notes Pages

Here are the Notes for Chapter 14 in Science!

Paige’s Notes:
CH. 14 Sct. 1 Food Webs
LT: I will describe how Food Webs influence animal development.

I.                    Trophic Levels
  1. Autotrophic – makes its own food using energy from the sun
  2. Heterotrophic – eats other organisms to get energy
II.                  Food Web Roles
  1. Producer – autotrophic
1.)    Plants, algae
  1. Consumer – heterotrophic, feed on living things
1.)    Includes plant eaters and meat eaters
Tertiary Consumers (Carnivores)
Secondary Consumers (Omnivores)
Primary Consumers (Herbivores)
Primary Producers (Producers)
  1. Decomposers – heterotrophic, break down wastes and dead organisms into simple compounds
1.)    Fungi and Bacteria
III.                Energy Availability
  1. Only some of the energy in an organism moves up the food web when its eaten
  2. Energy in a food web is lost as organisms use it to move, grow, reproduce
  3. Producers have the most energy available
1.)    As you move up the food chain, less and less energy is available


L.T.: I can explain the role photosynthesis plays in a food web.


              Today in class we talked about photosynthesis. We created a drawing of the textbook simulation, see previous post.

Peer Teaching Assignment Resources

Peer Teaching Assignment Link
Lesson Plan Template

Unit 2 Colonization    Essential Questions 1- 3
Unit 3: Revolution       4-10
Unit 4: Expansion     11-16
Unit 5: Civil War   17- 24
Unit 6: Industrialization    25-28
Unit 7: WWI to Great Depression     29-33
Unit 8: WWII to Origins of the Cold War   34
Unit 9: Post WWII America  35
Unit 10: Contemporary US 

May 5th, 2015
Mr. Grove's 4th period

Today in Mr. Grove's class we went to the library to work on our teaching plans. This project will be due on Friday the 8th of May.

We will be researching our topics in the library every day until Friday.  Then we will teach our subjects to the class.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/20/2015

Social studies:
     LT: I can explain my favorite concept or topic from US history (this course) and tell why.

o   Colonial America
o   Holocaust 1
o   Civil Rights 1
o   World War 1 home front
o   Industrial Revolution
o   Watergate
o   Civil War
o   Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

In class we discussed some of our favorite topics that we have learned from US history.
We were also given a peer teaching assignment which is due Friday May 8th
For the last 20 minutes of class we worked on our interactive notebooks because there is a notebook check is tomorrow May 1st.


Today, we went over our Study Guides. We also graded our Open Notes Quiz.

Battle at Kruger

Isn't this Amazing?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/29/2015

Paige’s Notes

LT: I will describe how species use adaptations to survive in an ecosystem.
Today in class, we took notes on Commensalism and Parasitism. We took our Open Notes Quiz. We also received our Study Guides for Unit 13 to be completed for Homework.

Social Studies:

LT: I can explain and define the 3 levels and 3 branches of Government.

We had to name the 3 levels and 3 branches of Government. The 3 levels are: State, Local (country/city), and Federal (National, USA). The 3 branches are: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Then we took a student survey.

Grading Rubric for 9

Student Survey In class link

Student Survey 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/28/2015


Chapter 13. Section 4

LT- I will describe 3 symbiotic relationships between species

The class took notes and watched videos on Symbiosis. Afterwards we worked on our Plant environments, Due Wednesday

Create your own animal due tomorrow! 

Social Studies:

U.S Foreign Policy
April 28,2015
Learning Target: I can explain and define what foreign is and why it is important to the U.S
We are taking notes about key and International issues during the 20th & early 21st century.


Monday, April 27, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/27/2015


Homework: Due Weds Link 

Social Studies:


L.T.:  I can identify and explain one influential American who made changes in the past 60 years.

              Today in class we finished talking about  the Space Race and took notes on people and new technologies that changed American life.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/24/2015

Social Studies:


L.T.:  I can describe how the development of new technologies impacted American life.  

                Today in class we talked about suburbs and how new technologies affected America.


                        Today in class we worked on our population graph,  which is to be done as homework and turned in Monday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/23/2015

Today April 23, 2015 
We took notes on chapter 13 section 2.  We also watched some videos and looked at pictures on birth rates, death rates and migration.

Social Studies:

                Today in class we took our Unit 9 test.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/22/2015


Today in class we took our Chapter 12 test. 

Garrett C

Social Studies: 

Here is a review Game with Questions and Answers:

Here is a final copy of the Unit 9 Powerpoint

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/21/2015

Social Studies: 

L.T.:  I can review the major themes that took place in post-war America.

                        Today in class we wrote a journal on why we thought civil rights activists worked so hard to get minorities to vote.  

Homework: Study Guide Unit 9
Test Thursday on Unit 9.


L.T.:  I will describe the abiotic and biotic factors that make up an ecosystem.

                        Today in Science, we turned in our You Pick #12 assignments.  After that, we  took notes on ecosystems then graded our quizzes that we took yesterday.  

Chapter 13 Notes

Science Chapter 13 Notes

Chapter 13 Section 1 
Chapter 13 Section 2
Chapter 13 Section 3
Chapter 13 Section 4

Monday, April 20, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/20/2015


First we went over notes for Chapter 12 Section 4.
Then we took out open-notes quiz on chapter 12.
With the remaining time we worked on our You Pick Assignment. 

Paige’s Notes
LT. I will identify how biotechnology influences Humans.

I.                    Biotechnology
A.      Using and modifying living things to improve human life
II.                  Genetic/DNA
A.      Human Genome – mapping of the entire human DNA structure
1.       We can determine what parts of our DNA can cause disease and genetic disorders
B.      Gene Therapy – altering DNA to treat disease
C.      Forensic science uses human genetics to solve crimes
III.                Agriculture
A.      Genetically engineering plants that are resistant to pests and droughts
IV.                The Future

A.      Finding new uses for living things: medicines, bio-fuel

Homework: You Pick #12 due tomorrow -4/21/2015
Test on Chapter 12 on Wednesday.

April 20th

Social Studies. 
LT (Learning Target): I can explain how the breakup of the Soviet Union affected the United States.

Today in class we finished our guided notes about the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall. Then we finished a journal entry about segregation.

Homework: Study Guide for Unit 9 Due on Tuesday.
Test on Unit 9 on Thursday 

USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War: Crash Course World History #39

Friday, April 17, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/17/2015


L.T.:  I can explain how Watergate is an example of the misuse of government authority. 

            Today in class, we talked about the Watergate scandal and the end of the war in Vietnam.  After that, we took our Unit  9 Vocab Quiz and another quiz on the Civil Rights Era.  We graded our quizzes at the end of class.


April 17th, 2015

LT (Learning Target): I will compare and contrast epidemics and pandemics.

Today in class we took notes about pandemics and epidemics and watched videos on seasonal flu epidemics.


You Pick for Chapter 12 DUE TUESDAY!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/16/2015

April 16th, 2015


LT (Learning Target): I can create a bar graph illustrating causes of death, now and then.

Today in class we created a bar graph about the leading causes of death in the year 1900 and today.


If incomplete, finish bar graph.

Due Tomorrow!

Science Graphing Activity Link

Social Studies

Paige’s Notes:
LT: I can explain how the Vietnam War changed the power of presidency during times of war.

Today, we took notes on the Vietnam War and worked on our Vocabulary.

(1964) Gulf of Tonkin Resolutioncongress gave LBJ the authority to escalate American Involvement in Vietnam

My Laimassacre of Vietnamese civilians results in protests against U.S. military

Kent Stateprotestors are killed during anti-war demonstration against U.S. military action in Cambodia/Laos

New York Times v. U.S. – Supreme Court allows the release of “The Pentagon Papers” which damage the credibility of the war effort

Students lead protests (ex. SDS----Students for a Democratic Society) against U.S. military involvement in Vietnam > want an end to the draft
Counter-culture of the “Hippies” emerge > rebels against American ideals and traditions, celebrates rock-and-roll (ex. Woodstock) drug use, sexual experimentation, communal living

The end of U.S. military action in Vietnam
(1973) Paris Peace Accords result in cease fire agreement with the North Vietnamese withdrawal of U.S troops

Prejudice – opinion about someone/something that is not based on fact
Integrate/Integration – combine two things so that they become one
Proliferate – increase rapidly in numbers
Controversy  - secret plan to do something harmful
Disobedience – refusing to obey the rules
Global – relating to the world
Authority – the power to enforce the rules
Media – mass communication through TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc.

Conspiracy – public disagreement

Here are revised Notes from Unit 9.
With added bonus features! :)

Homework: Quiz Tomorrow quiz on Vocabulary from Unit 9 

Here is a link to a review activity 

Here is a copy of the Review Guide- with questions!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/15/2015



L.T.:  I will describe the risks and benefits of using vaccines and antibiotics to treat disease.

     Today in class, we took notes on vaccines and antibiotics.  We also went over last night’s homework.

Social Studies: 


L.T.: I can explain how containment affected the U.S.A.’s foreign policy.

                Today we took guided notes on how communism affected American foreign policy and the passing of the Civil

Rights Bill.  We also finished the America:  The Story of Us video questions.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/14/2014


Not May! It is April 14th!

April 14th, 2015

Science Class

LT (Learning Target): I will describe the risks and benefits of using vaccines and antibiotics to treat disease.

At the start of the class we took some EOG review questions. Then we read out of the book about pathogen, vaccines, and antibiotics. Afterwards, we watched a video about pathogens and the human immune systems.


Textbook Page 496



April 14th, 2015

Social Studies Class

Civil Rights and the Media

LT (Learning Target): I can explain how the media impacted the struggle for Civil Rights

Today in class we look at pictures from the time of the civil rights. Then we finished our guided notes about civil rights. Then we listened to each other’s speaches.