Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

US History:
Due to students feeling that were not prepared for the test, we are going ot take the test on the Civil War today.

We are then going to continue with creating a review booklet of the Most important terms from US history by looking at this Powerpoint:
US History EOC Goals 1-6
Today, Students should be up to Goal 3, Having each slide written completely.

Civics: We are going continue working on this EOC review packet. We are going to work on this in class using all available resources.

Here is another excellent EOC review booklet
Here is the teacher edition of that booklet.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

US History: We are going to spend time to review the test on the Civil War and take it. We are then going to began creating a review booklet of the Most important terms from US history by looking at this Powerpoint:

US History EOC Goals 1-6

US History EOC Goals 7-12

Preparing for the US History EOC test Review Booklet

Teacher Edition to that EOC test booklet

Civics: We are going to start creating our EOC review packet by using this booklet. We are going to work on this in class using all available resources.

Another excellent EOC review booklet here
Here is the teacher edition of that booklet.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

US History: Students did not have a chance to work on the Test Study Guide due to difficulty fining the answered in the textbook.
I went and found the corresponding page numbers ( America Visions textbook) for each question on the test:
  1. 256
  2. 272
  3. 288
  4. 288
  5. 296
  6. 301
  7. 304
  8. 314
  9. 236
  10. 314
  11. 326
  12. 316
  13. 327
  14. 324
  15. 349
  16. 349
  17. 359
  18. 358
  19. 356
  20. 361
  21. 377
  22. 339
  23. 375
  24. 254
  25. 256
  26. 288
  27. 285
  28. 296
  29. 301
  30. 305
  31. 339
  32. 339
  33. 326
  34. 327
  35. 371
  36. 366
  37. 478
  38. 377
  39. 361
  40. 366
  41. 357
  42. 356
  43. 360
Civics: We are going to complete the movie Ghosts of Mississippi. When complete, we are going to have a discussion and writing prompt on Civil Rights in the United States.
Writing Prompts:
These are opinion based questions, their is no right or wrong answer.
What was your opinion of the movie?
Do you think that we are all equal under the law? (Give examples.)

Even if students are not in class, they can answer these questions with at least a page written.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14th, 2009

US History: We are going to take a sample test in class. Link Here. Students can use book and any other materials that might have.

Civics: We are going to view the movie Ghosts of Mississippi, to look at the Civil Rights movement and especially the use of local and state governments to enforce Civil Rights law. We are going to answer film questions as we watch the movie.

4 days till Winter Break!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today, both classes are going to have another make-up day to complete any missing work. Nearly all students have work that they need to make up. This will be the last day for make-up work in class.

US History:All students should be up to Guided Reading 10. If you do not have one of these complete, please look at the previous blog entries.

Civics: All students should have Guided Reading 12 completed. We are going to go over the quiz from a few days ago and give out the answers and students that failed are required to retake it. Here is Quiz Voting version 2.0

Have a wonderful weekend! One week untill Winter Break!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

US History: Today is going to be a make-up day. Students can work on any missing assignments and when complete can work on Guided Reading 10.

Civics: Today is going to be a make-up day. Students are going to work on any missing assignments. I have made a copy of any missing assingments that the students requested.
If all work is complete, students can work on their persuasive issue poster and Guided Reading 12.

In both classes, students will have the opportunity to make Get Well cards for my friend Paul Bailey who suffered from a fall when rock climbing in Australia. More info here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009

US History: Today the students are going to take the Civil War Quiz. This grade will count, no notes or books are permitted on this quiz. I have graded all turned in assignments and I am going to pass out Progress Reports and include current grades and give students a chance to make up any missing work. (if I have a copy of it, on hand.) Student are to work on Guided Readings 9 and 10 in class when complete.

Civics: First we are going to start on the Notes that we did not get time to work on yesterday. Student again going to have time to work on there persuasive issues poster. If complete, students can start working on Guided Reading 12.
I will also pass out progress reports and give students a chance to make up most of the assignments they are missing.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Civics: First we are going to take the Quiz on Voting and Elections and Interest Groups. Click Here. Then we are going to take notes on the NC Government Here. Then we are going to have time to finish our Interest Groups Posters.

US History: We are going to began with a Quiz on the Civil War. Then we are going to complete Guided Reading 10. If time, we are going to also complete a mapping activity on the Civil War: Mapping Sides.

Monday December 7, 2009

This is a place setter blog. Ignore Post

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4th 2009

Today we will only be having 1st and 2nd periods.
US History: Today, students are going to have a free day to make up any work and complete up to Guided Reading 10.

Have a nice and safe weekend!
Only 2 more weeks until Christmas Break!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

US History: We are going to continue and finish Guided Reading 9: Civil War and we are going to start working on Guided Reading 10: Reconstruction.

Civics: We are a bit behind and we are going to go over the Voting and Elections Test. Then we are going to complete Guided Reading 11. If time, we are going to make a persuasive poster of a political interest group.

Tomorrow will be 1st and 2nd period.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd, 2009

US History: Today we are going to view the images on this powerpoint. Link Here. We are specficially going to look at the persuasive elements of photography. Slides 4-7, 11, 16 and 17. We are also going to discuss how the Civil War was the first modern conlfict that was photographed. How do you think these photographs influenced public opinion?

We are then going to spend the rest of the period finishing up Guided Reading 9.

Civics: We will be finishing Guided Reading 10 and we are going to work indivdually on a pre-quiz on Voting and Elections, Located Here. We will be having this quiz tomarrow. We will go through and make sure all students have correct answers before leaving class.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday December 1, 2009

US History: Students will complete Guided Reading 9: The Civil War. Link Here.

Civics: After completing the Powerpoint on Who gets to Vote. We are going to complete Guided Reading 10: Who can Vote? Link Here.