Social Studies: This week we will be learning about World War I and its beginnings. Discussions will include: causes, effects, alliances, new methods of warfare, mapping before and after. We will complete our writing assignment this week discussing life in the trenches.
Here is today's PowerPoint:
Science: Monday- Thursday will be the Council of Adolescence will be in class.
We will be doing a project for Academic Excellence Night.
The permission slip needs to be returned Friday. - 1/16/2015
Dear 8th Grade Parent/Guardian:
Northview will be having The Academic Excellence Fair on March 3, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 PM. This year the 8th grade students will be required to complete a science project for display during the fair. Students will be required to either:
design and carry out a scientific investigation,
or complete research on an 8th grade science topic and create a visual display.
Students will be given additional information and guidance on their projects between now and the due date, but will not be given class time to work on the project. Students will be required to complete the Academic Excellence Fair science project outside of class. If a student needs to use resources at school (computers, science equipment), the student can make arrangements to stay after school with his or her science teacher.
Students may complete this project on their own or in a pair with one other student. Groups larger than two students will not be allowed. The presentation must be completed on tri-fold board, in Power Point, or other similar method.
When helping to guide your student through this project, you can find large amounts of tips and project ideas at your local library and online. Here are just a few excellent places to get you started:
Academic Excellence Fair 8th Grade Science Project Timeline
Monday 1/12
Introduce Academic Excellence Fair project and send parent letter home to be signed
Friday 1/16
Parent Letters are due back signed
Friday 1/30
Project topic is due (what the student is experimenting, question and hypothesis) or (the research topic)
Tuesday 2/17
Project display information is due (how it will be displayed, special needs or accommodations for the display)
Tuesday 3/3
Projects are due! The Academic Excellence Fair will be this evening at Northview No late projects can be accepted!
Please sign and return the bottom portion of this letter. You may write any questions you have about this project on the return slip as well.
Thank you,
The 8th Grade Science Teachers
I have read the due dates and requirements for the Northview Academic Excellence Fair with my child.
Student Name: _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________
Date: _____________________