Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/31/2015

March 31 2015



Today in class we took a test on Chapter 11.


Finish Illustration and definition for a vocabulary word from the Chapter 12 Word Wall.


Science Benchmark online TOMORROW!

March 31, 2015

(LT) Learning Target: I can explain how Cuba became a communist nation.

Today in class we took notes about communism in Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Then we had a classroom activity in which we needed to find out who had red stickers on pieces of paper.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/30/2015


Today in class we played a game where there was four squares and each had the words virus bacteria fungi and parasite in them and then each time a new person went up to the front of the classroom he put a word on the projector and you had to quickly put your hand in one of the squares to go on to the next round, then we watched the Bill Nye GERMS video, and he let us work on our homework that is due tomorrow…


Test Chapter 11 Tomorrow 

Wednesday we have our 3rd quarter benchmark. (online)

Social Studies:

Bill Nye- Germs

Friday, March 27, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/24/2015

Paige’s Notes
Today in science we took some notes.

Chapter 11 Section 4 Parasites

LT: I will identify and describe 3 diseases caused by parasites.

I.             Parasitic Relationship
A.   Parasite – living off the host and causing harm
1.    Either directly harm the host or transit disease to the host.
B.   Host – organism being harmed by the parasite.
-We watched a video here about Parasitic Wasps in a Caterpillar. We listened to an article about a man who volunteers to get himself stung by different animals.-
    II. Human Parasites
A.  Tick – attached to skin and feeds off blood
1. harms by spreading of Lyme disease
B. Tapeworm – lives inside the intestine and absorbs energy from your food.
C. Malaria – caused by plasmodium organism, spread by mosquitos
          1. lives in and destroys liver cells
D. Amoeba – tiny organism found in freshwater, can lodge in a person’s brain through their nose
          1. Uses brain tissue as a food source

-We watched a video about Zombie Snails.-

Social Studies: 
Today, we graded our interactive notebooks.  After that we watched a video that summarized WWII.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/26/2015


We started with our Open Note Quiz on sections 1-3 in Chapter 11.
Then students have the rest of the period to complete their You Pick for Chapter 11.

Home Work: 
The You Pick #11 is due tomorrow. 3/26/2015

Social Studies:

We started with a few notes comparing Communism vs Democracy.

Then we graded Interactive Notebooks in Class.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/25/2015


Today in Mr. Groves class we are going to take some notes and watch short videos of fungi then after that we are going to work on are you pick for the rest of the class and if we do not get done with it in his class we take it home for are home work.

Social Studies 
Today, we started our unit on the Cold War and after that we went over the expectations for the notebook check.

HW: We are grading Interactive Notebooks tomorrow in Class.
Here are images of each page:

Here is a copy of the grading rubric. It is a draft. 

To start class we briefly discussed the beginning of the Cold War.
We took notes off the following PowerPoint
March 25 Notes PowerPoint 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/24/2015

Social Studies 
Today we took our test on Unit 8: World War II

       Today we started the class off with continuing our notes from yesterday Chapter 11 Section 2: Bacteria. We talked about good bacteria and why it is good. We watched a few videos. We took more notes. We did an experiment. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/23/2015

Social Studies:

Here is a copy of the PowerPoint Q and A's for the Unit 8 Study Guide. 
Today, we went over a few questions on our study guide and then we played Jeopardy.

Review Jeopardy 

March 28


Learning Target: I can describe the structure and function of bacteria.

Today in class we took notes and watched videos about bacteria then we did a chart from the text on pages 448-457. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/20/2015

Social Studies


L.T.: I can create an illustrated timeline of World War II. 

                Today in class we  made an illustrated timeline of World War II in our notebooks.  After we finished that, we worked on our Unit 8 study guide.  Our homework is to finish the study guide.  

We will have our Test for World War II on Tuesday March 25,

Study Guide Unit 8 

March 20, 2015


LT (Learning Target): I can describe the structure and function of bacteria

Today in class we watched the video “Viruses in Action” and made a “quad graph” about our prior knowledge of viruses. Then we read about bacteria out of the textbook (Page 448)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/19/2015

March 19, 2015
Science Class

LT (Learning Target): I can describe the structure and function of viruses

Today in class we took notes, watched videos, and completed an illustration about the structure and function of viruses.
     < Not a Virus     

                                                       A Virus>

Homework:  Finish Virus Illustration (On page 444,  445 or your own original virus) More details on the last slide of the PowerPoint

Science Homework:
Notes for Chapter 11

Section 1: Viruses
Section 2: Bacteria
Section 3: Fungi 
Section 4: Parasites

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/18/2015

Social Studies:
We continued working on our Persuasive Essay. It is due Friday. We will have one more in class day to work on it.

We began Chapter 11 but looking at Viruses and how they work. We read pages 441-446 in the textbook and created a visual mind map of the section.
We looked at our results of the Chapter 10 test. Most students did very well!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/17/2015

Social Studies: We had laptops in the classroom and began typing our Persuasive Essays. Students had the entire class period to work on the assignments. They will again have class time tomorrow 3/18 to work on them. Then, they will have to complete at home. Due Weds with Friday being the "grace period"

Today, we continued working on our persuasive essay research.

Collected students' signed Progress Reports at start of class.

Science: We had our test on Chapter 10 and received instant feedback via GradeCam.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/13/2015

Social Studies:
Today, we completed the majority of us completed the assignment Mr. Grove gave us comparing viewpoints on the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.  After that we started working on our persuasive essay.


We started working on the study guide and we will have the test Tuesday. 
- Homework 

Persuasive Essay Resources

Third Quarter Writing Prompt and Activity Instructions 

Quarter 3 Matrix and Guide 

Here are the Atomic Bomb Resources

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/12/2015

Social Studies:
Today, Mr. Grove showed us several  primary sources about the dropping of the Atom Bomb. We discussed why each Primary Source used different reasons for dropping the bomb.

LT: How did strong leadership lead to victory in the Pacific?
We are taking notes on the Pacific theater talking about the war in the Pacific from PowerPoint.


LT (Learning Target): I will describe how scientists use fossil and rock evidence to create Earth’s geological timescale.

Today in class we  took notes Chapter 10 Section 5 about the ancient geological time periods and watched videos about the mass extinctions in history.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/10/2015

March 10th 2015

Science class

Learning target: I will demonstrate my knowledge of fossils, rock layers, and ice cores

You Pick Assignment for chapter 10 due today!

Today in class we took notes Chapter 10 Section 4 about plate tectonics, the formation of earth, and the first life forms. Then we graded the quiz that we took yesterday.

Social Studies:

Today, we talked about the Holocaust and watched “Night and Fog” which is a movie that used footage from the Holocaust.  After we watched the movie we had a brief discussion.

Night and Fog 1955

Monday, March 9, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/9/2015

L.T.:  I can describe how fossils, rocks, and ice cores are interpreted by scientist.

     We started off class today with an E.O.G. review, then took an open note quiz.  After we finished the quiz, we spent the rest of class working on our You Pick.

Social Studies
Today, we talked about WWII and took notes on the guided notes handout Mr. Grove gave us on Friday.  After that we took a quiz.  Last we officially started our WWII propaganda poster project.

Homework: Please complete your WWII Propaganda Poster.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/6/2015

Social Studies: 
Today, we looked at More WWII propaganda including 2 films.  We also got another handout for guided notes.  At the end of class we received a project about creating our own WWII propaganda.
Short Clips watched today in class:
Triumph of the Will - Pro-Nazi Propaganda 
Donald Duck - Anti- Nazi Propaganda

Propaganda Posters Information 

March 6, 2015

Today in Mr. Grove's class we talked about dating…carbon dating that is, and we took notes for the first  half of class. Chapter 10 Section 3

For the second half we worked on our U-pick, that will be due on Tuesday march 10…or Wednesday march 11.

Don’t forget, we have a field trip on march 11.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Classroom Report 3/5/2015

Social Studies:
Today, we talked about the similarities and differences between 9/11 and the attacks on Pearl Harbor.  After that we went over the review questions on our tests.  Then we completed our guided notes.  We ended by looking at Anti-Japanese propaganda from WWII.

Another Presentation we viewed and discussed:

Anti-Japanese Internment Propaganda PowerPoint


March 5, 2015

Today in Mr. Groves class we started off with four volunteers from the class showing the age of fossils by doing youngest to oldest. The learning target was: I can describe how fossils, rocks, and ice cores are interpreted by scientists. We also learned that any fossil(s) that are deep in the ground then they are the oldest fossils and if the fossils are close to the surface then it will be the youngest. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/4/2015

Classroom Reporter 3/4/2015
Today, We talked about how America entered World War 2 and we took notes on a handout that Mr. Grove gave us.  After we took some notes we drew the flags of the countries involved in the war.

Science Notes for Chapter 10

Classroom Report 3/3/2015
Today in Social Studies we started with a KWL chart for World War II and the Cold War,  we began notes discussing the background of the how nationalism led to the rise of dictators in Germany, Italy and Russia.

Science: We presented our dinosaur skeleton projects. We began an activity graphing radioactive data.

Science Project Fair tonight- See you there!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Classroom Reporter 3/2/2015

Today in science we worked on The Mystery Fossil Bones Activity with a partner. It is an in class activity, you cannot do it at home. 

Finish Science Project and bring it to school tomorrow March 3, 2015
Look back over the blog for the Grading Rubric and expectations.

Social Studies
Today we took our test on Unit 7: Emerging America. Mr. Grove graded it using GradeCam and we could look over incorrect answers. 

At Northview Middle School
Student v. Staff Basketball Game… Featuring The Northview Hardwood Hawks
Watch Dogs Training & Pizza Dinner

Academic Excellence Fair

2:20 - 4:00   Students with pre-purchased $3.00 ticket
                       stay after school for music & fun!
                       (Tickets sold during lunch periods 2/27 & 3/2)
3:30              Concessions Open
4:00 – 5:30   8th grade Student v. Staff Basketball Game
                       Hardwood Hawks will be featured during the
5:30 – 6:45   Watch Dogs Training & Pizza Dinner
                          (Media Center with Mr. Cornwell) Dads, uncles,
                          male mentors are needed!  Minimal time                         commitment is needed throughout the school   year.  We need your presence and support for our   Northview students.
5:30 - 7:30      Academic Excellence Fair
                         6th/  Math Project   7th / Cultural Project
                                     8th / Science Project
 Showcasing of student projects!  Every Northview student will have a project displayed on the grade level hallway.