Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Flash Cards Questions and Answers.

Study Guide Flash Cards with Answers 

NC Final Exam PowerPoint with Information about the Test.

Great Review Videos Bill of Rights and 3 Branches of Government

Monday, May 18, 2015

North Carolina 8th grade Final Exam Released Version

Here is a copy of the mock test we took today in class. 

Classroom Reporter 5/18/2015

Social Studies: Today we completed the released version of the NC Final Exam for Social Studies.
We will take the Exam this Friday Online.

Homework: Finish review sheet (handed out in class)

Science: Chapter 15  Section 3 Notes and learning about electricity using the Van der Graph machine.

Review Prezi

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Classroom Reporter 5/6/2015

Social Studies: We continued working on our Projects.

Progress Reports were sent home in both Social Studies and Science.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Science textbook Page 410- In Class Assignment

Please turn to page 410
In your notebook please duplicate Figure 3, the two stages of photosynthesis.
Use Color  and be creative with how you complete it!
Best one in class gets an award!
You can use my colored pencils, you could also draw it on a white paper and paste into notebook!

Your Teachers!

Science Chapter 14 Notes Pages

Here are the Notes for Chapter 14 in Science!

Paige’s Notes:
CH. 14 Sct. 1 Food Webs
LT: I will describe how Food Webs influence animal development.

I.                    Trophic Levels
  1. Autotrophic – makes its own food using energy from the sun
  2. Heterotrophic – eats other organisms to get energy
II.                  Food Web Roles
  1. Producer – autotrophic
1.)    Plants, algae
  1. Consumer – heterotrophic, feed on living things
1.)    Includes plant eaters and meat eaters
Tertiary Consumers (Carnivores)
Secondary Consumers (Omnivores)
Primary Consumers (Herbivores)
Primary Producers (Producers)
  1. Decomposers – heterotrophic, break down wastes and dead organisms into simple compounds
1.)    Fungi and Bacteria
III.                Energy Availability
  1. Only some of the energy in an organism moves up the food web when its eaten
  2. Energy in a food web is lost as organisms use it to move, grow, reproduce
  3. Producers have the most energy available
1.)    As you move up the food chain, less and less energy is available


L.T.: I can explain the role photosynthesis plays in a food web.


              Today in class we talked about photosynthesis. We created a drawing of the textbook simulation, see previous post.

Peer Teaching Assignment Resources

Peer Teaching Assignment Link
Lesson Plan Template

Unit 2 Colonization    Essential Questions 1- 3
Unit 3: Revolution       4-10
Unit 4: Expansion     11-16
Unit 5: Civil War   17- 24
Unit 6: Industrialization    25-28
Unit 7: WWI to Great Depression     29-33
Unit 8: WWII to Origins of the Cold War   34
Unit 9: Post WWII America  35
Unit 10: Contemporary US 

May 5th, 2015
Mr. Grove's 4th period

Today in Mr. Grove's class we went to the library to work on our teaching plans. This project will be due on Friday the 8th of May.

We will be researching our topics in the library every day until Friday.  Then we will teach our subjects to the class.