Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day Assignments Classroom Reporter 11/8/2016

Election Day Activities
Email all your answers to Mr. Grove for a completion grade.


Activity 1:

Go to ProCon.org
If you have not taken the nonpartisan quiz, please take it.
Click “Topics” A-Z and choose your most important 5 topics.
What issues are most important to you?
Typed at least 1 sentence per issue.
Why? Which side do you believe?

Activity 2:
Look at your ballot, choose the candidate you know and you want to vote for.
Then the candidates that you do not know, Google search their name and read about the candidates and make a choice, and educating decision.

Take your time to google each of the candidates, research each side and decide on a candidate for each position.

You can use the following sites:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Classroom Reporter 11/2/2016

Today in science class we started our Chapter 4 Table of Contents and our Word Wall. We shared some good news about our Halloween weekend!

Social Studies
Today in social studies class we took a look at our Unit 3 Study Guide and our Unit 2: CFA questions. At the end we played a fun game of Kahoot!

Chapter 3 Science and Unit 3 Test Social Studies on 11/2/2016