Thursday, December 20, 2012

Current Events Assignment Grading Rubric

Here is a copy of the Grading Rubric. 

Daily Geography Week 18 and 19

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sumerian Achievements Advertisment

This Project will be completed in class and will be due Tuesday December 11th. 

Your goal in this assignment to design a poster advertisement that persuades others that your achievement was the most influential on our society today.  This is a competition!  Other teachers will judge each class and pick the advertisement that is the most informative and persuasive. 
The following are the requirements of your poster:
·         The name of your Sumerian achievement ______
·         A written description of what your achievement is.   5 Facts
·         A written description of how your achievement helped Sumerian society and improved it.
·         A list of VALID reasons why your achievement was the most influential to our society.  List ways that this achievement has helped us.  What do we have or use today because the Sumerians developed this achievement?  How would our lives be more difficult without it?  How do they make our lives easier?
·         A picture of your Sumerian achievement
Make sure you are checking the rubric on the following page to see if you have everything you need for a top score.  You should be aiming for scores of 100, so look over that column carefully to see what you need.
Making A Poster: Advertisement of a Sumerian Achievement

Teacher Name: Mr. Grove

Student Name:     ________________________________________

Points Possible
Points Earned
The poster includes all required elements (title, descriptions of the achievement and how it helped Sumerians, list of reasons why your achievement was the most influential, and a picture).

At least 5 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others.