Friday, February 27, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/27/2015

After another snow day we are back to school! (after a 3 hour delay :)

Social Studies
Mr. Grove checked your Unit 7: WWI and the Great Depression Study Guide.
Mr. Grove also collected Progress Reports
We went over the answers to the Study Guide by reviewing this powerpoint.

Here is a good review Jeopardy game. 

In Mr. Grove's Science Class today we wrote down what we have done on are science project and what we have not done. 
We turned in are progress reports. 
Then some of the students shared their project progress. What they have and have not completed!

Remember the Science Project is DUE Tuesday!

Please join us for our Academic Excellent Fair on March 3 from 5.30-7.30


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/25/2015

Social Studies:
We are back from  a snow day!
LT: why did world war 2 end the great depression?
~We took notes and we took a vocabulary quiz
~progress reports go out today
HW-study guide unit 7 due next school day, get progress report sign!

Today we talked about the Science project and the 8th field trip on 3|11|15
We are doing a activity on fossils with Play Dough

Monday, February 23, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/23/15

Social Studies: 
LT: I can define Social Security and explain its importance during the Great Depression. 
After you write the LT, review your notes from the last few days, we are going to have an open-note quiz towards the end of class.
A few notes today. 
Vocabulary Quiz Tues.
Study Guide Due Weds
Test on Thursday

Social security- provides pension for the elderly, unemployment and disability benefits, directly affects more Americans than any other federal program in history.
Increased government involvement /regulation in the economy
New deal brings labor unions and blue collar workers (especially immigrants) and African Americans into the democratic party
Increased federal spending on social welfare programs
Role of the federal government expands

From D: Today in Mr. Groves class we took the rest of are notes then read out of the textbook, then answered the questions for that section. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/20/2015

Chapter 10, Section 1
Fossils and Ice caps

LT: I can describe how fossils, rocks and ice caps are interpreted by scientists.

                Today in science class we took notes on fossils.  We learned about the different types and how scientists can use them to interpret things of the past (how old they are, where they came from, etc.)  We also watched a couple of videos, one on the process of how fossils are formed and one of the ice man.

Social Studies
The New Deal (continued from yesterday)

LT: I can explain how the New Deal changed America.

                Today we completed our notes on the New Deal.  Then we wrote 1 multiple choice question for Unit 7 as our TOTD. (ticket out the door)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015 Classroom Reporter

3 Hour Delay Schedule


Journal #9 the Eras of my life shared  - before school, elementary school, middle school.

Social Studies:
Today we….
LT: I can explain how the New Deal changed America.

Looked over the answers to the America The Story of Us, then took notes of the election of 1929. We discussed President Hoover and his lack of effort to address the Great Depression in its early stages.
We then discussed the election of 1932  President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Classroom Report Feb 16, 2015

Monday Feb. 16, 2015

        Science:      Today in  Mr. Grove's class when we walked we did 4 EOG review questions. Then we went over our science projects, to correct any issues that may have been wrong with them. 2 Weeks until Science projects are due!!!! Most of the class was dedicated to our science projects. We shared good news, and had an interesting conversation on selfie sticks, and the social media "Like" button.

Social Studies: Handed back Interactive Notebook Check Sheets and finished America the Story of US. 

2 Hour Early Dismissal due to coming Snow!

Friday Feb 13, 2015

Science Notes:

Today in Science Class, we took a test Chapter 9 and used GradeCam to check our answers and get our grades immediately.

Social Studies Notes:

Today in Social Studies Class, we checked our Interactive Notebooks for everything we need to have in it for our Notebook Check. We had our Notebook Check. We got back our “Unit  7: Emerging Activity: Primary Source Activity: What really caused the Wall Street crash of 1929?”. We went over that paper. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/12/2015

Feb. 12, 2015

Today people who wanted to present their YouPick presented it.  

We went over our journal entry for our 8th journal entry.  Journal entry is on a loose leaf piece of paper.  

Chapter 9 study guide was also distributed (DUE FRIDAY). 

 Science test for chapter 9 is tomorrow! STUDY! 

Social Studies 2/12/15

Today we went over our notebook and made sure we had what we need

Homework: Notebook Check #7 on Friday/tomorrow

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Classroom Report Feb 11


L.T.: I will describe how humans use resources from the ocean and how humans impact the ocean.

                 Today in class, we took notes about how humans affect the ocean.   We also  watched a video on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  After that we graded our quizzes from yesterday and worked on our You Pick. 
Our homework was to finish the You Pick.
Test Friday on Chapter 9

Social Studies: 

Displaying Slide5.JPG
LT:I can explain how did the society of the great depression affect people’s financial choices

Today we presented our group work and saw how peoples life changed
Every group did well on their presentation

By: LT

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/10/2015

Science Class  2/10/15

-Today we finished notes on chapter 9, section 4
-We reviewed expectations of our science project
-We took an Open Note Quiz on Chapter 9 Sections 1-4

-We had the rest of class for (you pick) assignment

Homework: Chapter 9 You-Pick due on Thursday Link Here
Chapter 9 Test on Friday

Social Studies: 

LT:  I can explain how did the scarcity of the great depression affect people’s financial choices

In class today we finished the family budget activity, which included the chart  and discussed the 5 questions with our families/group and wrote them down in our interactive notebook. We also started on the ripple chart we did it as a group as well. The families/groups are presenting them tomorrow in class. 

Review Questions:
To complete for Homework (4th Period)
1. What changes did your families make?
2. Did your quality of life (or standard of living) change?
3. Which changes were greater - changes in income or changes in expenditures?
Income- Money you get
Expenditures: Money you spend.
4. Over which did you feel you had more control - income or expenditure?  Why?

5. If your families are representative, what has happened to the overall level of income in Butcherville?  the overall level of expenditure?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Classroom Reporter Feb 9, 2015

Social Studies: 

Budgeting Simulation Link 

Today’s learning target: I can express how scarcity during the Great Depression affected people’s financial choices.

Today, we started off class by naming the differences between essential non-essential things that come from our sample budgets that we also made during class. Some things on this list were house payments, car payments, heating/cooling, food, internet, cable, Netflix, electricity, and water. We also did a simulation showing how some things could be essential for one family and non-essential for another. It also showed how things were much easier for richer families during the Great Depression than less-fortunate families.

-AL, Monday, Feb. 9,2015


Chapter 9 Section 4 Notes 

Chapter 9, section 4                        2/9/15
By: AH
LT: I can compare and contrast the neritic and deep ocean zones
·         Wake up (first 20 minutes of class)
·         Took notes on Neritic and open ocean zones)

·         Watched videos on coral reefs and kelp forest )

Friday, February 6, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/6/2015

Social Studies 
LT: I can explain specific reasons that led to the the Great Depression.
We, the students, took notes and finished our Unit 7: Emerging America Primary Source Activity.

At the end of class we took a 6 question quiz and then graded it.
No Homework.

                 Today we took our benchmark test.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/5/2015

LT: I can explain how the movements of the earth created the Tsunami that hit Japan in 2010.
Today we watched a video on the Tsunami of Japan and the affects they had.
We also wrote 8 facts about what we watched during the video.


Social Studies: 
LT: I can explain why some groups prosper more than others in the 1920’s

           Some of the classmates presented their ads on new inventions from the 1920’s
             We took notes in our interactive note book agriculture, American society, and poverty in America
             Fun fact! Only 15% of Americans are below the poverty line.
             We did an activity on the Wall street crash of 1929

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/4/2015

Social Studies 
Prosperity Of The 1920’s
LT:(learning target): What caused the prosperity of the 1920’s?

We took some notes.
We looked at a chart about how many people had some of the appliances we have today.
We start to create an advertisement for a product we are selling. Finish advertisement for Homework!

Students that shared their poem from yesterday got extra credit.

Chapter 9 Section 3
LT: I will compare and contrast the conditions in the intertidal zone with other ocean zones.

Intertidal Zone: Rocky shores
Tidal Pool- small pool of water left behind during a low tide. A tidal pool has more salinity changes than any part of the ocean.

Estuaries- place where the fresh river water runs into the salty ocean water. Estuaries can be a wetland.
The importance of estuaries is that it provides habitats, nesting ground, and protects shorelines from waves during storms.

For homework: Complete your diagram. Pg. 189 and 190

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Classroom Reporter 2/3/2015

Lt: I can describe how aquatic and terrestrial food webs are connection and how they are studies using technology

Also we created our own food web on a sheet of paper –need color ,illustration pg 189 in textbook 

Social Studies:
Feb. 3rd, 2015

                Today is Mr. Groves' class we talked about the Roaring 20’s, the alcoholic ban, and also discrimination against African Americans.
We also talked a little bit about Harlem renaissance. We also got a little taste of old jazz, and “ The Colored Soldier” By Langston Hughes.
We got to learn about the Scopes “monkey” trial and how it affects our classroom.

Classroom Reporter 2/3/2015

Social Studies
LT: How did conflict between traditional values and modern values change in the United States in the 1920s?
  First in class, we had some time to write down a journal entry about how these technologies changed the Civil war.
 Then, our groups presented our questions on life in the trenches. 
 No homework
 The Classroom Reporter 

LT: I can describe the main features of ocean floor and how they were discovered using technology.
Today in class we discussed and took notes on the different technology used to measure the features of the ocean floor.
Took Notes on Chapter 9 Section 1