Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/16/2015

Social Studies:

Today in class we took notes on the Jamestown colony and how hard and brutal it was to survive there. Then we finished establishing our colonies and share them with the class. The we watched nightmare in Jamestown and tool notes on it.


Today in class Mr. Grove picked up the you pick assignments. Then we finished taking notes on Acids and Bases. Then we made sure or note book was ready for the notebook check tomorrow. Then Mr. Grove gave us the study guide and gave us time to work on it.   

Science Homework: 
Study Guide #1 Due
Notebook Check #1 Science
Grading Rubric for Interactive Notebook 
Interactive Notebook Pages (PDF Format)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/15/2015

First, we started the Chapter 1 Section 4, Acid and Base Mixture notes. As usual, we did five true/false questions. Next, we watched a video on how an acid dissolved a cheeseburger. Then, we finished our notes and went over the quiz we took yesterday.

Science Homework: You Pick Assignment Due Tomorrow.
Study Guide #1 Due Thurs (will be handed out in class on Weds)
Friday: Test on Chapter 1

Social Studies:
Today we took a open note quiz on our Age of Exploration Notes. We then worked on our group activity of creating our own colony.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/14/2015

Social Studies:

Class Reporter:

What we learned in class today is starting our own colony having a limited amount to spend for survival. Tuesday morning we will be having a quiz.  Mr. Grove took the people’s notebook that needed to be rechecked and regraded again from Friday.  We now as I was saying are working on organizing and building a colony of our own with a limit of source to survive with 15 people.

Colony Activity Sheets

Homework: Study for open Note Quiz on Tuesday!

Today in class we were finishing our foldable on solutions, suspensions, and colloids to help us on our open note book quiz. Then after our quiz we did a” you pick assignment” which lets you chose what you want to do.  

Test on Chapter 1 on Friday. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/11/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I Can explain the physical, economic, cultural, and political characteristics of the Carolina colony.

Today in class we…..

We discussed 9-11 and what happened and how it makes us feel.
We had our first notebook check.    
We finished the notes we cut out on Thursday on the Carolina Colony. 

We watched a video about Dealy plaza  

Video of Mr. Grove at Dealy Plaza. Expert Narration!


L T :            
I will describe the properties of three different types of mixtures.

Today in class…..
We started off with questions we agree or disagree with,
We took notes about solutions, solvents, solute,  universal solvent, colloid and suspension
We watched a video on How water dissolves salt
We made a flap about solutions suspensions and colloids

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/10/2015

Social Studies:

LT: I can explain how the interaction with Native Americans changed colonial societies like Jamestown and Roanoke.
Today in class we...
Discussed inaccuracies in Disney’s Pocahontas.
Discussed the Middle Passage and slavery.
Start working on Social classes.
Go over grading rubric for notebook.
Notebook check tomorrow.

Notebook Grading Rubric #1

HOMEWORK for SS : Interactive Notebook Check tomorrow!

Unit 2 Notes:

Previously 9/9/2015:
Today in class we made a chart of the things that came from the old world to the new world and what went back to the old world. Then we glued it in our IAN. We also saw a picture of the disease smallpox (the disease that the pilgrims brought from the old world).


Today in class we went over atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, and mixtures. We also took notes on different Atomic Bonds. Then we watched different videos on the subjects.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/8/2015

In class today, first we finished watching the Science video and if you had not finished your five notes from Friday, you would finish them.  After we finished the video, we went over the questions from pages 604-609 in our science textbook.  Once we finished all the questions , we moved on too the Molecules Models worksheet. For the sheet, we built molecule bonds and learned about examples of molecules.

Social Studies:

First, Mr. Grove gave us our Writing Quiz back with our grade. Then, we talked about the Europeans and the New World. Next, Mr. Grove passed out a worksheet about The New World so we did about half of it, then watched a Crash Course video.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/4/2015


LT:I will describe  the difference and between elements compound and mixtures

Today ,9/4/15,
In class we learned about compound ,elements, and mixtures. We read Pg.540to 545.
And we took notes about those 3 using  bubbles with the words on it.
Then on the next page we also wrote about homogeneous and heterogeneous.(not what you think)
Then we wrote five facts from a video we saw.
(facts you didn’t know).

Video about atoms.

Social Studies:

Today in class we took a quiz on things we’ve learned in the past few days. We also completed a physical map of NC and labelled it. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/3/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I can identify the major physical features in North Carolina.
Today in class we…
Go over scavenger-hunt answers
Finish NC County questions (part  1-20)
Finish decorating notebook (if needed)
Go over answers on NC County (part 1-2)
Quick review of sources/future-quiz (discussion teacher to class)

HOMEWORK  in Planner…
Study for short Quiz

Bias Perspective
NC Regions


First we did student pledge
Then the hole class what they put on their student pledge.
Because tomorrow we will have to sign it.

Science 9/3/15 The Atom
LT: I will identify the properties and location of the subatomic particles in an atom.

Writing prompt: ‘’can you continue to cut something into smaller pieces forever or is there a ‘’ smallest’’ amount of something you can have.
How did you respond to the writing prompt?
Observable universe

Homework read page 604-609 in newly assigned textbook

On page 609 1abc, 2abc, 3abc

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/2/2015

We did not have class today due to grade-wide assembly.

Social Studies:

LT: I can identify the major counties and their location in North Carolina.

Today in class we studied the locations of the north Carolina counties. We learned what direction they were from each other. We also did a worksheet to help us remember the locations of the counties and some cities.

6th Period Homework: Complete page 1 and 2 of the County Sheet (in notebook).

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Classroom Reporter 9/1/2015

Social Studies:
LT: I can explain how bias influences perspective.

        In Class Mr. Grove gave us a role and we read a story about two boys skipping school and going through there house. Then we went wrote a paragraph about the things that were useful things in the house for what are roles were then we compared are perspectives and had to guess what we were. We then had a ticket out the door about how does bias influence your perspective.

Today in Mr. Groves class, we learned about Atoms and Elements. Types of metal are iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper.

A symbol is a one or two-letter abbreviation derived from the elements English or Latin name.
An atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, as well as the number of electrons in the electron cloud.
Atomic mass is weighted average of the masses of all the elements isotypes. Rounding the atomic mass the nearest whole number yields the mass number of the most common isotype.
Mass number is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in a specific isotype.
The name is the elements common name.
The number 6 in carbon is the atomic number. The Nuclei of the three isotopes of hydrogen are protium, deuterium, and tritium.
An Ion is a atom with a net positive or negative charge. More protons = + ion. More electrons = - ion.

Scientists create models to study things when they are too small, too large, or too dangerous to study. A nucleus is too small to see. If an atom was blown up to be the size of a football stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a small marble.