Thursday, April 16, 2015

Classroom Reporter 4/16/2015

April 16th, 2015


LT (Learning Target): I can create a bar graph illustrating causes of death, now and then.

Today in class we created a bar graph about the leading causes of death in the year 1900 and today.


If incomplete, finish bar graph.

Due Tomorrow!

Science Graphing Activity Link

Social Studies

Paige’s Notes:
LT: I can explain how the Vietnam War changed the power of presidency during times of war.

Today, we took notes on the Vietnam War and worked on our Vocabulary.

(1964) Gulf of Tonkin Resolutioncongress gave LBJ the authority to escalate American Involvement in Vietnam

My Laimassacre of Vietnamese civilians results in protests against U.S. military

Kent Stateprotestors are killed during anti-war demonstration against U.S. military action in Cambodia/Laos

New York Times v. U.S. – Supreme Court allows the release of “The Pentagon Papers” which damage the credibility of the war effort

Students lead protests (ex. SDS----Students for a Democratic Society) against U.S. military involvement in Vietnam > want an end to the draft
Counter-culture of the “Hippies” emerge > rebels against American ideals and traditions, celebrates rock-and-roll (ex. Woodstock) drug use, sexual experimentation, communal living

The end of U.S. military action in Vietnam
(1973) Paris Peace Accords result in cease fire agreement with the North Vietnamese withdrawal of U.S troops

Prejudice – opinion about someone/something that is not based on fact
Integrate/Integration – combine two things so that they become one
Proliferate – increase rapidly in numbers
Controversy  - secret plan to do something harmful
Disobedience – refusing to obey the rules
Global – relating to the world
Authority – the power to enforce the rules
Media – mass communication through TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc.

Conspiracy – public disagreement

Here are revised Notes from Unit 9.
With added bonus features! :)

Homework: Quiz Tomorrow quiz on Vocabulary from Unit 9 

Here is a link to a review activity 

Here is a copy of the Review Guide- with questions!

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