Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 29, 2009

We have finally made it to Friday!!!
Civics: Today we will be looking at the Articles of Confederation and how those articles influenced future governments:

The learning goal for today is:
Students can identify reasons for the Articles of Confederation and why they were not the final rule of law for the new country.

Here is the presentation that we will be viewing today and taking notes on.
Processing Today:
Complete 1 of the following activities:
1. Create a small chart listing the major problems of the Articles and what their consequences would have been.
2. Create a graphic organizer showing the organization, strengths and weaknesses of the Articles. Look in Civics Today page 69.

US History: In Class today we will finish discussing The Patriot and then we are going to go over together the Revolutionary War Test Study Guide. Students will have 20 minutes to finish any of the questions the know and then we will spend the rest of the hour going over and making sure everyone has the answers. TEST MONDAY FOR US HISTORY!

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